Friday 13 November 2015

Research on Light, Colour and Composition


Although there are many comic books covers I found that use placement and such to create a appealing cover to interest the reader, when looking at “DareDevil issue 97” with art created by Marko Djurdjevic, what Djurdjevic used was the “L” layout to create a frame within a frame. What the artist has done is used the bodies and floors of the 2 on the cover to create the frame, with both their faces being within the second frame. DJurdjevic also used lines to follow the line of sight and also going from mouth to mouth giving a sense of danger and threat towards the main character.

The ‘Kingdom Hearts’ franchise has become an extremely well know series, with only having 2 games on major platforms. Saying this when ‘Kingdom Hearts 2’ was realised the games cover art was very similar to the first game; having the main cast on the front cover, which included 5 characters for the first game. The second games cover art was also similar by the usage of placing the all the main cast on the front, including 2 new characters. What the artists of ‘Square Enix’ cleverly done was by using the Rule of Thirds to place every character either on a focal point or alone the lines, creating a very balanced and somewhat symmetrical image even though every character looks different.

Lighting and Colour.

“Darksiders 2” is somewhat different to its predecessor game; this cover art being much more detailed and defined. The cover art in my eyes uses the ‘Cross’ and also ‘Iconic’ placement of the main character. I believe this because the used of having darks on light on the top half of the image and the reverse on the bottom half. This is seen such as the shadow that mainly cover the “Death’s” (the main character) body and face, where as the horse underneath has light patches all over, considering the light source is behind the figures and should be a complete silhouette. I also believe this cover art to be iconic as the head, angle of the arms, hands, and over all look of the image follow the lines of an iconic layout.

The ‘Uncharted’ series is a very popular gaming franchise so having an eye catching and interesting cover to attract players familiar with the series is a must. When looking at the cover art for “Uncharted 4” the main character stands in the foreground with a forest and foliage almost creeping in around the sides. I find this piece uses the cross, as the top half is dark on lights as with the characters shadowed face and clothing and vice versa for his hands, gun and trousers. I also think this is great use of colour as the background uses blues of a different range to create almost a moonlight look, which would look tranquil, however with the use of shadows it now looks like the area around the main character is creeping around him. 


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