Monday 22 February 2016

Personal Project: Model and Texturing a Table

Within my own time I tried making a table I found on the Internet within Maya. Since I had made this after my telephone model I realised how much I had learnt and how much easier it was to model and create things within Maya. Even though it is a fairly simplistic model, I’m proud to think that starting this year I wouldn’t of had any knowledge of how to create this.

[Wireframe Mesh of Table]
[Close up of Wireframe Mesh]
[Smoothed Version of Table]
[Close up of Smoothed Table]
[Smoothed Table and UV Map]

With now knowing how to use edge loops I tired to make a high-poly model to try and achieve the detail on the legs. I used a wooden texture I found online and using the automatic UV function and small iterations to some of the polygon placement I was able to take it into Photoshop and then paste the texture onto the design.

[Textured Version of Table]

On inspection I can see how to the texture isn’t completely consistent around the model as well as some of the seams being visible, however I am happy I was able to this much without needing to much help. Overall I’m very happy with how my work came out considering this was the first model I made with absolutely no help at all.

[Textured Version of Table plus UV Map]


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